Rah, you guys, I'm so excited! The Oscar noms were announced today and it's a big deal.(to me.)This was really just a spectacular year for movies, in my opinion.
My friends and I love Oscar time and have a lot of fun putting our "picks" together. Then on Oscar night, we have a party. Everyone puts a couple of bucks in the pot and writes down their picks and who ever guesses the most wins. It's a lot of fun, (especially when there's a big upset and we all go "naaaaaaaw!" and start throwing candy at the TV)and I usually win. Last year I was dethroned by the lovely April. I lost by a guess and a half- yet i will always stand by my pick...Mickey Rourke was "sha-shAA!" in The Wrestler.
This year is going to be great. There are a whopping 10 Best Picture Nominees, Tarrantino is seriously representing, an awesome battle of the exes for Best Director, and a really tip top celebrity death- match of Best Actress Nominees-- so far for me, the toughest category to call this year.
So here are some early snaps for this years nominees-
For me, Avatar is going to be my go to pick and I'll tell you why. It's amazing! Here's an interesting factoid: this movie has been out for over a month and people still applaud at the end of the movie. Unheard of! This movie is beautiful and it will move the whole industry in a whole new direction, like The Wizard of Oz or Star Wars. For that reason, I really like it for Best Picture (yes,yes I know WofOz and SWars did not win Best Picture) and Best Director.
One of my flava-rite performances this year was Mo'nique's crazy momma in Precious. The movie in general was just a beautiful, inspiring thing despite the rough parts. We saw a whole different side to this actress and many of us realized how little credit she gets.
Other favorite performances this year included Stanley Tucci's creepy serial killer neighbor in Lovley Bones and Christoph Waltz's giant pipe smoking Nazi Detective in Inglorious Basterds, making supporting actor a tough category to call.
This space will probably be a little moviecentric this week for two reasons- one: I will be viewing two movies this week that I'm expecting to love enough to write about and two: my camera finally died.
The simplify project is doing awesome- I can't wait to post some progress pictures! Also, I'll be posting soon about this month's One Small Change adventure.