Monday, March 29, 2010

Springtime Sweets

I improvised an amazing desert tonight that I had to share. To quote Clifford the Dog "it's a fireworks of flavor."
I had a splendid dinner of grilled mozzarella and arugula- pesto sangwish. As always after dinner I started wanting "sumfin' sweet". I have to say that I was honestly tired of chocolate...I know, right? That almost never happens.
Suddenly the idea came together and I knew what I had to do.
Figgy jam.
I baked up a batch of shortcakes, topped them with dalmatian orange and fig jam and a dreemy pillow of whipped cream--humina, humina.
Here's my recipe for a dessert that is fit for any Easter table (or anytime really...they're just good.)

You will need:
1 1/3 c. flour, 1T baking powder, 2T sugar,pinch salt, 5T sunflower oil, 1/2 c. cream
Figgy Jam ( I used Dalmatian Orange and Fig Spread, found next to the $300 wheel of cheese at the grocery store)
Whipped cream
orange flower water

To make the shortcakes, combine the dry ingredients. Add oil and use hands or forks to work the oil in. It should look clumpy. Add the cream and cut in with forks. Roll into a log and with sharp serrated knife, cut into rounds about 1/2" thick. Place on baking stone or well greased sheet and bake at 425 about 12 minutes or until golden.
While shortcakes are baking, pour about 1T of orange flower water, 1t of vanilla and 1Tof sugar into a bowl. Pour in about 1 1/2c. whipping cream. (I eyeballed it.) Whip cream until peaks form.

Allow shortcakes to cool briefly. Then dollop on a bit of figgy jam, and drop on a biiiiiig dollop of orange flower cream on top of that. SNARF!!

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